Ashley LarsonA native of Denver, CO, Ashley grew up with a love of animals- sharing a house with mostly dogs, but also a few hamsters, ferrets, rabbits, and guinea pigs. In 2006, she got a job at the front desk of an animal hospital in Santa Barbara, CA, and realized she had found her "people." Ashley holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Colorado Denver and has over 1,000 continuing education hours including Fear Free Professional Certification. She was a member of CVMA's Inaugural 2018 Power of 10 | Practice Managers Leadership Academy.
Ashley has been in the veterinary field for 18 years, working her way up to spending 7 years as the Practice Manager of an 8-doctor small animal and exotic hospital in Aurora, CO; then 5 years managing chapters and programs at the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association; and most recently, coming back to practice as Manager at PetVet365 Westminster- and soon be opening, PetVet365 Boulder! Her passion at work lies in supporting the teams that save all the pets!
In December 2017, Ashley had to say good-bye to her best dog friend of 10 years, Tiger. She was truly touched by the Pet Loss Support Group and knew she had found something special in the Human Animal Bond Trust. Ashley became involved on the HABT board in June 2018. Since then, she has also said good-bye to her dog of 15 years, Diver, and her cat of 11 years, Mowgley. She truly understands how special the Human-Animal Bond is, and loves helping support others in their own grief journeys.
Some of her favorite things are coloring, reading, planning, and organizing. She also loves animals (foxes, cats, dogs, wolves, otters, and orca whales... to name a few!), snowboarding, and spending time in beautiful Colorado with her husband and daughter. Ashley's critter family currently includes a puppy named Rocky, a mean old cat named Olive Oyl, and a box turtle named Leafy.